Thursday 16 April 2015

Late night to ponder: 500 Days of Summer

Its late at night and I cannot sleep.  I think the reason is because I'm thinking of such things that bothers me every night. Things that I guess cannot be solve by just pondering to it but somehow can be manage by expressing it through my blog. A line by Joseph Gordon-Levitt in one of his movies, 500 Days of Summer. I'm not a fan of the movie not because I could relate to it from my past relationship but its essence
and impact to me as a viewer. We all know that the guy (Joseph) had a high expectations that he would reunite again with his ex-girlfriend (Zooey Deschanel) in one of the last scenes of the movie in which there was two vertical videos showing the expectation against the reality of the scene. He really presumed that after his ex-girlfriend invited him to her party, they would go back together. That scene the line was delivered, but regardless to the movie it depicts from the photo above that we should in every thing that we do, since we are already there doing it we must live life to the fullest. For example, our job technically makes us happy because we are getting paid but we didn't really seek to find the happiness in doing it. In life I guess, we must be happy no matter what happens. Let's do everything that'll make us happy because we only have a life to enjoy and not to waste. Unlike the building and our job, it doze us figuratively in our life that is why sometimes we are stuck to the things that we really don't like at all.  A greeting card denotes all the good memories that we have experienced in our lifetime, GOOD memories. Because good memories contains all the things that made us happy for sometime in our life. 

Always remember that sometimes, life may be hard. REALLY HARD. but on the good side of it, there are the greeting cards which once became a part of a good experience. Enjoy life. Never get oppressed by someone in terms of making yourself happy. Its the only thing that makes us happy and alive. :)

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